ManageXR CLI

Use the ManageXR CLI to upload new app versions to your ManageXR organization.

Luke Wilson avatar
Written by Luke Wilson
Updated over a week ago

The ManageXR CLI is a useful tool to automate the process of uploading applications to ManageXR. You can use the CLI in your CI/CD pipeline to upload new app versions to your ManageXR organization and even publish the versions to named release channels.


The mxr-cli is available as an NPM package or a binary executable.

Using NPM

npm install -g @managexr/mxr-cli

After installation, you can run the CLI using the command mxr-cli.

mxr-cli <command> [options]

Using NPX

You can also use npx to use the command directly, without running an npm install :

npx @managexr/mxr-cli <command> [options]

Using a Binary Executable

If you're not running on a machine with node.js, you can use a binary instead. Download the binary for your machine:

You can now use the binary in any terminal:

path/to/mxr-cli <command> [options]

On Mac and Linux machines, you may need to grant executable permissions to the binary before you can run it. To do this, run chmod +x path/to/mxr-cli.


You can authenticate your CLI commands using a ManageXR API Key. An API Key consists of an api_id and an api_secret, and belongs to a single ManageXR organization. To generate these credentials, go to the API Keys settings page and click the + New API Key button.

For the CLI, there are two authentication methods:

  1. Set MXR_API_KEY_ID and MXR_API_KEY_SECRET environment variables.

  2. Provide a JSON file as an --api-key-file argument to the command.

JSON API Key Format:

"id": "your_api_key_id",
"secret": "your_api_key_secret"


The CLI currently supports two commands: upload-app and upload-file.

Upload App

To see these instructions, run mxr-cli upload-app -h


Upload an app using an API Key JSON file for authentication:

mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkfile.apk --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json

Upload an app using environment variables for authentication:

MXR_API_KEY_ID="xxx" MXR_API_KEY_SECRET="xxx" mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkfile.apk

Upload an app with a .obb file, set the app's title, set the app's description, and point a Release Channel named "Dev" to this new app version:

mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkfile.apk --obb-file  /path/to/obbfile.obb --title "Cool new app" --description "This app is amazing" --release-channel "Dev" --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json

Upload an app bundled with files and deploy those files to a destination path on the device

mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkFile.apk --bundle-directory /path/to/directory /path/on/device --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json

Upload File

To see these instructions, run mxr-cli upload-file -h


Upload a file using an API Key JSON file for authentication:

mxr-cli upload-file /path/to/file.ext --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json

Upload a file and set the file's name and description on the web console:

mxr-cli upload-file /path/to/file.ext --name "Fun File" --description "This is the best file ever" --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json

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