ManageXR's video player only supports MP4 and MKV files with H.264 encoding for video and AAC encoding for audio.
Stereo - Max resolution is 3840x3840 (4k) (1:1) at 30fps and 3840x1920 at 60fps - 3840x3840 (a 1:1 ratio)
Standard - 3840x1920 (a 2:1 ratio - 4K UHD) is for standard widescreen or 360° video.
Supported video types: 2D, 180, 360
Supported mapping types: Equirectangular, Cubemap
Supported display types: Stereo, Mono
Supported packing types: Top/bottom, left/right
While our platform does have the capability to support higher framerates and resolutions, it's possible that your hardware may not be able to handle this smoothly, which may result in choppiness or performance issues.
How to upload a video
Navigate to the VR Content tab
Click Add Content
Select Video under the Add new content section
Upload your .mp4 or .mkv video file
Give your video a title
Select a video type (2D, 180, 360)
Select a video mapping (Equirectangular, Cubemap)
Choose a display type (Mono, Stereo)
Click Create Video
If you're unsure about what settings to apply for video type and mapping, please contact the creator of the video for guidance.
How to download a video
Navigate to the VR Content tab
Select a video and click DOWNLOAD
You can launch videos directly from the ManageXR web console. You can also send a pause video command to a single device. Learn more about the commands you can send, in real-time, to your devices here.
Need more help?
Talk to a member of our team using the chat bubble in the bottom right of your screen, or reach out to