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Device Commands

Send real-time commands to a single device or several devices simultaneously

Luke Wilson avatar
Written by Luke Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

You can send commands to your device in real-time. However, your device will not receive and act on these commands until it is turned on and connected to the internet.

Send a command to a single device

  1. Navigate to the device detail page.

  2. Click on one of the available commands:

Send a command to several devices

All devices must share the same configuration to send bulk commands.

  1. From the Devices page, select your target devices.

  2. Click the Command button and select your command to send:

If you have the ManageXR Home Screen enabled, you can exit an app remotely by sending a command to return to the ManageXR home screen. If exiting the app to return to the home screen requires in-headset input, ensure your Shortcut Menu is disabled for this configuration.

Available Commands



Launch VR Content

Force your device to launch a specific app, WebXR link, or video. After launching a video, you can also send a pause video command.

If you select Home Screen in the App list, it will exit the app you have currently open and take you back to the home environment.

You will choose between the approved content associated with the configuration applied to this device.

Expires after 60 seconds if not executed.


Force restart your device.

Expires after 60 seconds if not executed.


Force your device to sync with the ManageXR servers.

Apps and Files will automatically sync whenever the device is online, so this command isn't usually necessary.

Disable / Enable Kiosk

When Kiosk / Home Screen mode is disabled, you can access the default device menu.

This command is useful if your Configuration enables Kiosk Mode / Home Screen, but you want to temporarily bring this specific device out of this to access locked settings and apps.

Disable / Enable Tutorial Mode

When Tutorial Mode is enabled, your Tutorial app will launch on boot. Devices automatically exit Tutorial Mode once they exit your Tutorial App.

Play Sound

Play a sound at max volume to assist you in locating a device or confirming that the device in hand is the one you're looking at in the web console.

It is not advised to send this command while a user is wearing the headset.

Remove WiFi Network

Force your device to forget a saved WiFi network.

If this network is on your configuration, you must also remove it from your configuration to permanently forget it.


Pause/Resume Configuration Updates

Pause Configuration Updates to stop a device from syncing with its latest Configuration. When a device has updates paused, user-initiated changes to its Configuration and ManageXR-initiated updates to the ManageXR Admin App and Home Screen will not propagate to the device.

Change Organization

Read our Change Organization Documentation to learn more.

Factory Reset/Cancel Factory Reset

Factory Resetting your device will delete all apps, files, and settings, including ManageXR. You can also cancel this command if it's queued on the device.

Read our Factory Reset Documentation to learn more.


Read our documentation on Deleting a Device to learn more.

Device Command Behavior

  • Uninstall app commands - You can duplicate uninstall app commands because there may be two different apps you’re uninstalling.

  • Launch VR content and restart device commands - ManageXR only respects a launch VR content or restart command if it has been sent within the last 60 seconds.

  • All other commands - All other commands will ignore redundancies and only respect the most recent device command by type. For example, if you send a sync command and a launch app command, both commands will fire. But, if you send ten sync commands and ten launch app commands, ManageXR will ignore redundant commands and only act on the most recent command type. In this case, the device would sync once and launch an app once according to the most recent command.

Command Queue

In instances when you're initiating several device commands for a particular device, the command queue is helpful in tracking which commands have been successfully executed. The command queue can be found by navigating to the device info page and hovering over the hamburger icon. The queue lists commands from oldest to newest, meaning that the most recently initiated command will be at the bottom of the queue. As commands are executed, they are removed from the list.

Certain commands are set to expire 60 seconds after initiation. These expiring commands include Launch VR Content and Restart. For commands that don't expire, like Sync, they will indicate when they were sent.


How can I pause a video?

  1. Navigate to Devices.

  2. Select a device from the device list.

  3. Choose Launch VR Content device command .

  4. Tap Video.

  5. Click Pause Video.

Currently, this feature can only be executed for one device at a time. We are currently working on making it possible to perform this command in bulk.

How do I know if configuration updates have been successfully paused on my device?

In the device list, a status button that reads Paused will appear next to the device, under Sync Status.

On the device info page, the device's photo will be overlayed with a status button that reads Updates Paused.

Need more help?

Talk to a member of our team using the chat bubble in the bottom right of your screen, or reach out to

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