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Offline Updates: Update Devices via USB-C Thumb Drive
Offline Updates: Update Devices via USB-C Thumb Drive

Update apps, files, firmware, and other configuration content via USB thumb drive, rather than waiting for devices to download over wifi

Taylor Lallas avatar
Written by Taylor Lallas
Updated over a week ago

We know wifi connectivity can be a challenge. Devices are not always on networks that support large downloads and updates to your applications. To help you navigate tricky internet situations, ManageXR offers offline updating options.

Two Options for Offline Updates

  1. Push Configuration Updates with the Device Setup Tool โ€” download configuration content and settings to your computer then push it over the wire onto devices with this Device Setup Tool command.

  2. Offline Updating via USB-C Thumb Drive โ€” load an update package onto USB-C stick(s), then plug the sticks into devices to update them. Read on for more!

How Offline USB-C Updating Works

  1. Email requesting an offline USB updating package.

  2. Our team will generate the USB update package and send it to you.

  3. Load the package onto USB thumb drives - you can use a USB duplicator to load the content onto multiple drives quickly.

  4. Plug the USB-C sticks into devices to push the update. Once running, the device will play an audio cue when the USB thumb drive has been recognized and another audio cue upon completion (with different sounds for success and error). You will also be able to check on download and installation progress in-headset.

  5. The next time devices sync with ManageXR, they will report being Up to Date.

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