Depending on what hardware and software combination you're using for your XR deployment, allowing ManageXR endpoints will solve most issues. However, we've seen many networks (especially in Education) block hardware/software-specific websites. For example, most schools already block Facebook (Meta) and TikTok (ByteDance) servers, which can disallow casting and firmware updates and potentially cause other issues with Meta Quest and Pico VR devices. Network restrictions can even take that a step further by blocking app services like Engage or even blocking devices at the MAC address level. The solution is to work with on-site network admins to ensure these services and hardware manufacturers aren't blocked or restricted. If you're unsure whether your network is restricted or not, connect your device to a hotspot and see if it begins updating as intended.
💡 If allowing access to these hardware/software entities on main networks is out of the question, it's best to create an entirely new hidden network that only on-site XR devices will use.
ManageXR Endpoint List
ManageXR uses the internet to communicate with its servers and keep devices in sync with configurations set by ManageXR organization admins. When connected to a network that uses a firewall, ManageXR's web traffic will be routed through your firewall and you must allow this traffic to ensure that ManageXR can operate as intended.
Common issues you may see on a restricted network include but are not limited to:
Blocking the installation of ManageXR on a device
Devices not syncing properly or at all
Inability to communicate with devices via the web console
Inability to log in to the web console
Inability to add new users to the web console
Inability to utilize API
Allow-List Rule | Port | Protocol | Why |
443 | TCP (HTTPS) | Communication with the ManageXR API | | | 443 | TCP (HTTPS) | Communication with the ManageXR API | | 443 | TCP (HTTPS) | Communication with the ManageXR API |
443 | TCP (HTTPS) | Communication with the ManageXR API | |
443 | TCP (HTTPS) | Communication with the ManageXR API | |
* | 443 | TCP (HTTPS / WebSockets) | Communication with the Google Cloud Platform APIs used by ManageXR |
* | 80, 443 | TCP (HTTP / HTTPS) | ManageXR error reporting | | 80, 443 | UDP, TCP (HTTP / HTTPS) | Used for Realtime Device Streaming |
💡 The mighty-platform-prod. endpoint is both inbound and outbound. This setting is required for devices to sync properly and for them to receive device commands sent from the web console.
Meta Endpoint List
In order for Meta Home to connect properly to Meta/Facebook servers, the following domains must be accessible on a given network:,,, and If these domains are not whitelisted in secured networks (such as schools, workplaces, or private networks), users may experience network connection issues when installing or downloading device updates and may even experience core device functionality issues.
Port | Protocol | Why |
443 | TCP | Determine the communication between clients and servers to reliably transmit data in an organized way |
3478 | TCP | Determine the communication between clients and servers to reliably transmit data in an organized way |
ports 50000-59999 | UDP | Same as above + UDP is especially useful for time-sensitive transmissions such as video playback |
Pico Endpoint List
443 | TCP (HTTPS) | Pico devices on PUI 4 determine if they have internet access by pinging this endpoint. Allowing the device to access this endpoint can fix some internet-related issues and is necessary on ManageXR Admin App v1.7.21 and below. (Allowing this endpoint is not necessary on Admin App v1.7.22+) |
Does ManageXR work with closed/on-prem networks?
Does ManageXR work with closed/on-prem networks?
ManageXR is a cloud-based platform and will not work on closed/on-prem networks. If security is a concern, we recommend reviewing our Security Policy and addendums. If you have specific questions about a complex deployment, reach out to
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