When building a configuration with ManageXR, you can apply settings that protect your IP and hardware through security protocols and standardized device settings. Let's take a look at these settings and their function within a configuration.
To access these configuration settings:
Navigate to your configuration
Click on the Device Settings tab.
All Devices
Security Settings
Setting Button | Description | Device Compatibility |
USB Debugging (Developer Mode) | Disable/Enable Developer Mode. With Developer Mode disabled, devices will not be able to connect to a computer via ADB. | All Devices |
USB File Transfer | Disable/Enable USB File Transfer. With File Transfer disabled, you will not be able to browse the device's file system when it is connected to a computer. | All Devices |
Android Permissions
Android 12 OBB Permissions. Learn more
Tutorial Mode
Tutorial Mode enables you to select an app that will provide users with a tutorial guide. When Tutorial Mode is enabled, your selected tutorial app will launch on boot. This means the user will be launched into the tutorial app when they pick up the headset for the first time.
Devices will automatically exit Tutorial Mode once they exit your tutorial app. Afterward, devices will transition to the specific device experience selected for the configuration. You can use the Enable Tutorial Mode device command to initiate the tutorial app for another time.
Meta Quest Devices Only
Device Sleep | Disable/Enable device sleep | Meta Quest devices only |
Browser for WebXR Links
| Select the default launching method for WebXR links | Meta Quest devices only |
Pico Devices Only
Factory Reset | Disable/Enable Factory Reset | All Pico Devices |
System Language | Change the device's default system language.
Note: The system language impacts the built-in device menus (things like WiFi, boundary, native library menus). This alone does not change the language used for the custom ManageXR Home Screen. To change the language used by the ManageXR Home Screen, go to Configuration > Device Experience > ManageXR Home Screen > Settings > Display Language. | All Pico Devices |
Time Zone | Manually assign time zone or set it as auto | All Pico Devices |
Performance Mode | Set the device to a specified Performance Mode: Battery Saver, Standard, or High Performance. | All Pico Devices |
Movement Tracking | Disable/Enable Movement Tracking. When disabled, the device will behave like a 3DOF device.
Note: On Pico devices, movement tracking can sometimes not be established because of a temporary camera issue or because the room is too dark. When this happens, a popup appears, and the headset allows in-headset users to turn off movement tracking. Use this setting to default to 6DOF, no matter the user's action. | Pico Neo 2/Neo 3 |
Play Boundary | Disable/Enable Play Boundary.
When disabled, the device will not show the play boundary and may be unsafe to use without additional protections. | Pico Neo 2/Neo 3 |
Screen Off Delay | Screen off delay is the time after a headset is taken off before the screen goes black / the display turns off. | All Pico Devices |
Sleep Delay | Sleep delay is the time after a headset is taken off before it goes to sleep. A device that is asleep will take longer to start back up than a device that only has its screen off.
NOTE: Sleep Delay cannot be shorter than Screen Off Delay. Read more on managing sleep settings. | All Pico Devices |
Eye Tracking FPS | Set eye tracking frames per second: Unmanaged, 60Hz, or 90Hz.
Eye tracking tracks the eye gaze position and optimizes rendering performance accordingly. | Pico Neo 3 Eye |
Quick Boundary Setup | Devices will automatically set up a 1-meter stationary boundary when turned on, and your users will not be instructed to set up their own boundary. | Pico Neo 3, Pico 4, Pico 4 Enterprise
This feature is unique to Pico 6DOF devices. |
Global Anti-Dispersion / Global Chromatic Aberration | Turn OFF in order to enable Miracast. | Pico Neo 3, Pico G3, Pico 4 |
Eye Protection Mode | In this mode, devices reduce the blue light emitted by the screen to help protect users' vision. The screen appears yellowish when this is ON. | Pico Neo 3, Pico G3, Pico 4 |
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