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Analytics Dashboard and Charts

Track and curate important device usage analytics

Westley Heagy avatar
Written by Westley Heagy
Updated over 6 months ago

This feature is still under active development. Let us know what else you'd like to see in your usage analytics!

ManageXR tracks your device fleet's activity to help you gain better insight into how your devices are being used. Behind the scenes, ManageXR tracks which apps are used, when they were used, and for how long they were used. This data is collected for both online and offline devices. If a device is not online, it will collect and store data to upload the next time it comes online.

Note: An app is only considered "in use" while the headset is active. Once the headset goes to idle/sleep, the app is considered not in use and will no longer count towards active use time.

The Analytics dashboard helps you visualize this data to better answer your most pressing questions about your fleet's activity. By default, your Analytics dashboard will come with three pre-configured charts: Devices Online, App Activity, and Configuration Activity.

Devices Online shows you how many devices were used on any given day.

App Activity shows you how much time has been spent in each of your apps over the period. The app activity section categorizes apps based on their share of activity. When an app's activity share is significant enough, it gets its own category. However, if an app's activity share is smaller and doesn't meet the criteria to have its own category, it will be grouped under the 'Other' category. If you change the date range, there will be more data to analyze, which may cause some apps that previously had their own category to lose it and be added to the 'Other' category.

Configuration Activity shows you how much time has been spent in VR, grouped by the configuration applied to those active devices.

These three default charts answer some of the most common questions you may have about your fleet. However, you can create new custom charts to gain more specific insights about your fleet as well!

Create a New Chart

  1. Go to your Analytics page

  2. Click Add Chart

A new default chart has been added to your dashboard. Now it's time to edit it!

Edit a Chart

To edit an existing chart, click Edit in the top right.

When editing a chart, you will have access to several customizable fields. By varying your Chart Type, Unit, Group By, and Filter settings, you'll be able to answer new questions about your fleet!

For example, imagine you have your devices tagged by office location, and you want to see which of your offices is using VR the most. You'd create a chart with the following:

And you'd end up with a chart like this:

It looks like your CA Office loves VR, but you may want to check in on the UK Office!

Here are all the ways you can currently customize your charts:



Chart Type

Select to create either a Bar, Line, or Pie chart.


Determines unit of measurement:

Time - counts the total duration spent in VR.

Devices - counts the total number of devices active in that period.

Group By

Grouping your data allows you to segment and compare groups against each other. You can group by App, Configuration, Device Tags, Device Model, or have no grouping.

Filter: Apps

Choose specific apps to include in your chart.

Filter: Configurations

Choose specific configurations to include in your chart.

Filter: Device Tags

Choose specific device tags to include in your chart.

⚠️Tags will only appear in the drop-down after they are tagged and new data has been collected and reported. When changing tag names - tags will always report their current name; e.g., if a tag was named "Lab," it would start gathering information for that tag name. If the tag's name was changed to "Lab A," the historical information ("Lab" in this case) would remain the same, and our analytics would begin to gather info for the new tag name "Lab A." In short, changing a tag's name will not affect historical data.

Filter: Device Models

Choose specific device models to include in your chart.

Include System Apps

Include system apps in your data. These are excluded by default.

Dashboard Date Range

You can filter your analytics dashboard view by date range. Default selections are Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, or you can set custom start and end dates.


You can isolate single groups of data to get a better look. For example, if your chart was showing all app activity, you can click on a specific app to see only that app's activity.

Download Device Analytics Data

We now support exporting Analytics data to CSV! This feature allows you to download up to one month of app analytics data at a time. Exploring this data may help you gain insights into how users engage with deployed apps.

Each app event contains the following data: {deviceSerial deviceName configurationName configurationId tagIds tagNames model packageName appTitle duration startTime endTime}

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