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Troubleshooting: Device Setup Tool Errors

Common errors that you might encounter while using the Device Setup Tool

Westley Heagy avatar
Written by Westley Heagy
Updated over 8 months ago

The most common errors we see come from network security settings. This can often be solved by connecting to a hotspot or personal network and trying again. If the issue ends up being the network, you can work with your network admin to bypass some of ManageXR's endpoints. This document outlines the endpoints that ManageXR needs to be able to access your network. Additionally, if you've previously installed another MDM on your device, it will require a factory reset in order to install ManageXR.

Although not common, here is a list of errors the Device Setup Tool can report, along with troubleshooting tips.

Factory Setup Incomplete

Why this happens: A Quest device has been plugged in right after being factory reset, before you finish the initial post-factory-reset setup process.

Troubleshooting Steps: You need to finish going through the initial setup steps in the headset and get to the native Meta home screen before plugging the device into the Device Setup Tool.

Preload/Provision Configuration Issue

Why this happens: A higher version of an app is already installed. When you're preloading and the configuration has an older version of an app than what is currently on the device. The Device Setup Tool does not uninstall apps, so it can’t downgrade them when it is preloading a configuration.


A version of an app in this configuration is not compatible with the version of Android on the device. Please remove it from this configuration.

Troubleshooting Steps: Uninstall the offending app using the adb command in the error message.


Remove the offending app from the configuration, or make the configuration target a higher Software Development Kit (SDK) version

Inactive Subscription

Why this happens: When you log in to an organization whose ManageXR subscription is expired or canceled.

Troubleshooting Steps: You can reactivate their ManageXR subscription or change organizations to one with an active subscription.

Subscription Full

Why this happens: When you log into an organization that already has the max amount of devices registered.

Troubleshooting Steps: You can delete or move some devices from their organization or upgrade their ManageXR subscription to include more devices.

Wrong Organization

Why this happens: When you log into an organization, and a device that is already registered with ManageXR on another organization (whether the device has ManageXR installed on it or if it is just preregistered) is plugged in.

Troubleshooting Steps: Switch to the organization that the device is registered to.

Missing Configurations

Why this happens: When you log into an organization whose default configuration was deleted and no other configurations were created.

Troubleshooting Steps: Create a new configuration on the web console.

Enable Developer Mode

Why this happens: When a user has not yet turned on developer mode for a device and plugs it into ManageXR.

Troubleshooting Steps: The user needs to turn on developer mode.

Device Limit Exceeded

Why this happens: When the device is targeting a configuration that has a shared app device limit that is full or exceeded.

Troubleshooting Steps: Target a different configuration, request more device licenses for the offending app, or remove the app from the configuration.

Powered Off

Why this happens: When a device is plugged into the Device Setup Tool but it is not turned on.

Troubleshooting Steps: Turn the device back on.

Requires Authorization

Why this happens: When a user has developer mode enabled, but they have not accepted the in-headset prompt to allow USB debugging. Note, this is not the same as the allow file transfer prompt.

Troubleshooting Steps: Accept the prompt in the headset.

Requires Manual Preparation

Why this happens: When a user tried to install ManageXR on a Quest device and for some reason the UI automation that removes accounts could not remove all the accounts.

Troubleshooting Steps: Sometimes, you can try to install again and it will be able to remove the rest of the accounts. Otherwise, you must go in the headset and manually remove the Android accounts in the special settings menu.

Missing Permissions

Why this happens: When a device partially installs ManageXR, but not completely. Most of the time, this is because the device was unplugged before the installation finished. Either the device owner permission, the read logs permission, the get usage stats permissions, or the request install packages permissions (for android 11 and higher) is not there.

Troubleshooting Steps: Most of the time, the “Grant Permissions” button will be shown, and the user can just press that. If the button does not appear, they can just reinstall ManageXR.

Not Registered

Why this happens: When a device has ManageXR installed on it, but it was deleted from the web console.

Troubleshooting Steps: Reinstall ManageXR on the device.

Get Details Error

Why this happens: When adb fails on the initial commands that are getting info about the device. This could be because the device is powering on or there is a faulty cable.

Troubleshooting Steps: Wait until the device is powered on, and refresh. Check the cables. Make sure Quest devices are on the home screen.

Set Device Auth Error Quest

Why this happens: When the Device Setup Tool failed to set the device password or failed to launch the admin app service. Usually, this is due to a faulty cord or an adb timeout error.

Troubleshooting Steps: Reinstall ManageXR on the device, or press the “Fix Install” button.

Self-Signed Certificate In Certificate Chain

Why this happens: A network firewall injects a certificate into the chain to sniff traffic. This is then throwing an error with our tool, which sees this as a Man-In-The-Middle attack.

Troubleshooting Steps: Allow ManageXR endpoints on your network. Connect to a hotspot or a personal network and try again. Try another computer.

Unable to Verify the First Certificate

Why this happens: A network security setting is blocking ManageXR from installing.

Troubleshooting Steps: Try a personal network, bypass endpoints, or try another computer.

Unable to Grant Admin App Permissions

Why this happens: Your device cannot install ManageXR because of a permissions issue. This error occurred because you either A) have another MDM installed or B) have an app installed that has stored account credentials on the device.

Troubleshooting Steps: Uninstall the offending app or run a factory reset to set up ManageXR on this device.


Why this happens: A network security setting is blocking ManageXR from installing.

Troubleshooting Steps: Try a personal network, bypass endpoints, or try another computer.


Why this happens: Internet connection speed is insufficient, or there is a cache error.

Troubleshooting Steps: Clear Device Setup Tool Cache

  • Connect to a faster network. We've also seen success if tried before or after hours of operation when network traffic is lighter

PackageParserException: Failed to parse

Why this happens: The APK file was corrupted during the download process.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Reboot the Device Setup Tool

  2. Retry installing ManageXR onto your device as normal

Failed to set device authentication credentials

Why this happens: This device failed to authenticate and start communicating with ManageXR, so it could not complete its installation.

Troubleshooting Steps: Try the installation again. If the installation is still failing, contact

Install ManageXR error: cannot call write after a stream was destroyed

Why this happens: This can be caused by either a failure to download or a failure to transfer data to the device.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Run the Device Setup Tool as administrator and try the installation process again

  2. Try using another cable

  3. Use another port on the computer

  4. Try using another computer for installation

If you still have issues with this error, please send your device setup tool logs to

android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal ( at android.os.Binder.execTransact (

Why this happens: n/a

Troubleshooting Steps:

Initialize Error: Error executing adbExec

Why this happens: Your device doesn't have a stable connection with your computer.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Restart your computer

  2. Try using another cable

  3. Use another port on the computer

  4. Try using another computer for installation


Why this happens: You have an older version of the Device Setup Tool

Troubleshooting Steps: Try the install again. If it still fails, go into the headset and manually remove the Android accounts in the special settings menu.

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